Wednesday, February 22, 2012

$6-A-Gallon Gas Hits Florida

TAMPA (CBS Tampa) — Talk about pain at the pump! 
Some Florida drivers are spending nearly $6 a gallon to fill up their gas tanks.According to, motorists are shelling out $5.89 for a gallon of regular gas at a Shell station in Lake Buena Vista, topping out at $5.99 a gallon for premium. It doesn’t get better at a Suncoast Energy station in Orlando, where drivers are paying $5.79 for a gallon of regular.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Proposed Surtax On Ammo Sales in Illonois

An Illinois lawmaker wants gun owners to shell out extra taxes in order to finance a new grant program for trauma centers, a move firearms advocacy groups say amounts to a "sin tax" on law-abiding hunters and target shooters.
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, in a bill introduced earlier this month, proposed a 2 percent surtax on ammunition. The proceeds would go toward a "high-crime trauma center grant fund," which would then send the tax money to trauma centers in "high-crime areas."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Obama wants cheaper pennies and nickels

By Chris Isidore | – Wed, Feb 15, 2012 2:34 PM EST

The U.S. Mint is facing a problem -- especially during these penny-pinching times. It turns out it costs more to make pennies and nickels than the coins are worth.
And because of that, the Obama administration this week asked Congress for permission to change the mix of metal that goes to make pennies and nickels, an expensive recipe that has remained unchanged for more than 30 years.

To be precise, it cost 2.4 cents to make one penny in 2011 and about 11.2 cents for each nickel.