Monday, December 24, 2012

The Grinches Who Stole Christmas

            You know who they are.  You've seen them marching in your streets, holding candle-light vigils, and appearing on television and radio news programs.  They are the "D.R.E.A.M." children - the children of the illegal immigrants who, "through no fault of their own", have been allowed to enjoy the fruits of the American dream that should have gone to someone else.

            They want you to think that they, and their parents, should be allowed to stay in the United States because, they've become "Americanized" and it would be "inhumane" to repatriate them to their nation of origin.  What they DON'T want you to think about are the children of the lawful immigrants who have not yet had a chance to come to America simply because their parents are trying to do it the right way.

            All around the world, children of lawful immigrants are waiting faithfully to enter the United States of America in compliance with her laws.  They are hoping to emigrate from countries like Somalia, Haiti, Vietnam, Estonia, Bosnia, Lebanon, Russia, China, France, Bulgaria, Italy, and just about anywhere on the planet from which immigrants have traditionally come to contribute to America's vast human diversity.   These children have not yet had the chance to receive an American education, enjoy an American sporting event, or celebrate an American Christmas - all benefits granted on a regular basis to the so called "D.R.E.A.M." children who have been allowed to step in front of everyone else.

            You might think that the "innocent" compassion-seeking D.R.E.A.M. children would themselves show some sympathy during this holiday season for the children of the lawful immigrants-in-waiting that they have displaced.  But that will not be the case.  Instead, during the Christmas holidays, they have chosen to cast aspersions.  Recently they made headlines, calling Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer a "grinch" because she is one of many who have finally said "enough" to them.  Through her actions, Governor Brewer has told the illegals that they shall go no farther.  She has said that in the State of Arizona, illegal immigrants, and the children whom they hide behind, shall obey the same rules that immigrants from all around the world are expected to obey.

            If you see the story from the perspective of the law-abiding-immigrants-in-waiting, then it is Arizona Governor Jan Brewer who is Santa Claus, and the DREAM children who are the grinches who stole "Christmas-in-America" from the children of the lawful immigrants.

            This Christmas, may God bless Governor Jan Brewer. While others are trying to drown them out, she hears the voices of the silent victims of illegal immigration.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How France's 'Rich Tax' is Working Out

By William Sullivan
for American Thinker

The French government is wringing its hands in frustration about how to deal with wealthy French nationals who are expatriating to avoid France's crushing new tax hikes.

World-renowned actor Gérard Depardieu, for example, has recently decided to take up residence just across the Belgian border to avoid the tax penalty he would incur by remaining in France.  This is merely an allegation at this point, of course, but it seems a safe guess that Depardieu has noticed French politicians' distaste for the wealthy -- which is not a feat of consciousness, considering that the new socialist president François Hollande has famously quipped, "I don't like the rich" while campaigning on promises to "tax annual income of more than one million euros per year at 75 percent."

Friday, December 7, 2012

Marines expanding use of meditation training

Marines are coached in Mind Fitness Training. A study of Marines
 who had taken the course found that they scored higher on
 emotional and cognitive evaluations than those who did not.
Elizabeth Stanley)
By Patrick Hruby - The Washington Times., Wed December 5th 2012

While preparing for overseas deployment with the U.S. Marines late last year, Staff Sgt. Nathan Hampton participated in a series of training exercises held at Camp Pendleton, Calif., designed to make him a more effective serviceman.

There were weapons qualifications. Grueling physical workouts. High-stress squad counterinsurgency drills, held in an elaborate ersatz village designed to