Tuesday, January 22, 2019

DC restaurant fined THOUSANDS for not allowing “transgender female” to use ladies restroom

CBN NEWS – A Washington, DC restaurant must pay the District of Columbia $7,000 as a penalty and for legal costs resulting from an incident last summer in which the restaurant refused to let a biological male customer use the women’s restroom.The controversy began last June when Clyde Clymer, a transgender person, entered the woman’s bathroom at Cuba Libre Rum Bar and Restaurant in Chinatown. Restaurant staff tried to prevent Clymer from using the bathroom and asked to see identification, according to a press release from the office of the attorney general for the District of Columbia.
After he was told to leave the restaurant, Clymer called the police.
DC’s Attorney General Karl Racine said the restaurant violated the District’s Human Rights Act (HRA). The HRA prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of gender identity or expression and protects residents from discrimination based on a wide variety of personal characteristics.
The $7,000 fine is just one part of a settlement with the DC Attorney General’s office. In addition, the restaurant must post a sign that reads: “All individuals are allowed to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity or expression.”
The employees involved in the incident were terminated and a separate settlement was reached with Clymer, according to the press release.

I am assuming this wasn’t a single occupancy bathroom, because then it wouldn’t matter.

But notice the language here. This is a settlement, which states that the employees were fired who were involved in this incident. Also, the restaurant has agreed to put up a sign telling transgenders they can use whatever bathroom they want.
It sounds to me like the transgender won and the restaurant has capitulated to the city. In the words of Eric Erickson, you will be made to care.
Look I don’t want to be too judgy sounding, because not everyone can afford a big city lawsuit to challenge this nonsense. I don’t know what’s in the hearts of the owners, but for whatever reasons they were made to care. And it sucks.
This is another reason it’s best not to live in liberal states (or DC) if you can help it. The homosexual agenda has far more influence there.

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