Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Amnesty Road Would Ruin The GOP

by Jeffery T. Kuhner of The Washington Times

Republicans are on the verge of committing suicide. In the wake of President Obama’s re-election, many conservatives are demanding the GOP embrace amnesty for illegal aliens. The official term is “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Sean Hannity has now “evolved” on the issue. Others, such as Dick Morris and Charles Krauthammer, are ringing the alarm bells: Get in front on amnesty before the GOP is swamped by the surging Latino vote. House Speaker John A. Boehner said last week that comprehensive immigration reform is “long overdue.” Translation: Beltway Republicans are ready to wave the

Dumb Ways To Die

This is actually a public service advertisement to warn people about the dangers of being around trains. From the web site: "Most people are able to recognize for themselves that trains are big, fast and not to be messed with. But sadly, a few people just don't get it. And that's why we're running this campaign. To stop them from that brain fade, from doing something dumb and being hit by a train."  Apparently it's a pretty big problem in

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Sultan and the Crazy Water

An Eastern Tale often retold by the Theologian and Iconographer Photis Kontoglu


Once upon a time there was a Sultan who was good and just. The Sultan had a Vizier (chief adviser)  who was equally good and just. The Vizier also happened to be an astrologer. One day the Vizier told the Sultan that he had seen a sign in the heavens. It was going to rain "fools water", and whosoever drinks of the water will become foolish.

All the people in the land will drink of the fools water and they will become crazy. They will lose their ability to properly reason. They will no longer have a good sense of anything. They will not be able to tell right from wrong, or truth from falsehood, or justice from injustice.

When the Sultan heard this he turned to the Vizier and said, "Since everybody will lose their minds, we must take care not to lose ours, for otherwise how will we

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Obama Supporters Against His Policies - But Vote for Him Anyway!

There are many reasons that Romney didn't win the election in 2012. An important one is an uninformed electorate. We've come to expect that because the US presidential elections have pretty much been a popularity contest for the past thirty years or so.What is unusual about many Obama followers is that they would vote for him, even if they discovered that he was a scoundrel and held views exactly contrary to their own. What's worse, they would vote for him even if they understood that Obama was signing legislation that was unconstitutional and limiting to their own personal liberty. If you think that sounds scary, watch this video.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Obama Calls For Hamas to Stop Shelling of Israel

That sounds encouraging, doesn't it? Too bad it's not true. And you won't hear that kind of talk from Obama. He won't come right out and stand up for our only true ally in the middle east. Is there any doubt as to who shot first? Hamas has been sending rockets into Israel almost daily for some time. Recently their efforts have intensified and the targets have been more accurate. Israelis have been killed. Chances are you didn't realize that. What we did hear about is that Israel has killed Hamas leaders and innocent civilians. And that they are using jet fighters against Palestinian targets.

As I post this - the fighting is intensifying. Israel is crediting the 'Iron Dome' for

Friday, November 16, 2012

General Obama on Newsweek;GOP: If you're Old, or White - You're History!

Newsweek will soon be eliminating its print publication, announcing that it will be going all digital. That means that you won't be seeing the outlandish covers while standing in the checkout line at your local supermarket. So catch this one while you can.

They're going out with a bang - and a big bang - with this week's cover release. Obama is depicted as Napoleon Bonaparte - dressed in the glorious, classic uniform and pose that we've come to associate with the victorious general. The headline reads, "The Obama Conquest".  Implying victory after the battle. Apparently a battle that was won with the 2012 election. Now the question still remains: Will he win the war?

Will this cover add to racial unrest in America? Array Of Emotions

Friday, November 9, 2012

Will Hispanics rescue the U.S. economy?

Here's an article that just begs for a comment or a response article from Random Ammo contributor, John D. Karam

SANTA FE, NM (By Charles Garcia, CNN) January 28, 2012 ― For the last 20 years, what name is always in the top 100 most popular baby names given to boys in the United States? Jesus (pronounced hey-seus). And among 4,500 boys names in England in 2009, what was the No. 1 most popular baby name? Mohammed. In Brussels? Mohammed. Oslo? Mohammed. Amsterdam? Mohammed. And what do babies and their names have to do with the global economy? Everything.

The currency of the future is babies, because babies grow up to be taxpaying workers. Let's do Demography 101, which is basically the study of baby-making. Demographers have a fancy term called "total fertility rate," which measures the average number of babies a woman has over her childbearing years.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote To Save The Nation

By Alan Caruba
No previous election has ever held the fate of the nation in its hands since the reelection of Abraham Lincoln in the midst of the Civil War. If Obama is elected, he will continue his agenda to drive this nation to the point of financial collapse and leave behind millions of Americans without jobs or any hope for the future.

And that includes the liberal retards who will vote for him in an election that is, according to the pundits, too close to call. There is something terribly frightening to contemplate that half the voters will vote to continue his planned destruction and his potential for declaring himself President for Life. He is the classic tyrant.

Worst Election Media Bias - Since Last Election Medias Bias

The worst media election since the last one

No matter which candidate wins Tuesday, it’s clear the media didn’t just cover this election, they shaped it. To paraphrase Dickens, it was the best of coverage and the worst of coverage.
If you were President Obama, you got the best of coverage and photos of you with halos around your head. Your made-up autobiography and “composite” girlfriend were a blip in the news, your radical positions downplayed and the ongoing failures of your administration – economy, fast and furious, foreign policy in general – were all given short shrift in the major media.