Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Night Poll: Obama in lead as Romney's bounce evaporates

By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times

Enthusiasm is a strong point for Republican presidential nominee Mitt
 Romney, who rallied supporters last week in Virginia, a state that 
could very well determine the election outcome. 
(Barbara L. Salisbury/The Washington Times)
 BEACH, Fla. — Mitt Romney’s first debate bounce has evaporated and President Obama once again has taken a slim lead in The Washington Times/Zogby Poll released Sunday night — though the survey showed Mr. Romney’s backers are far more energized about him than the president’s backers are about their candidate.

Mr. Obama leads 49.7 percent to 47.3 percent over Mr. Romney, the Republican nominee, with 3 percent undecided.

There's Something Happening Here

By John D. Karam
for Random Ammo

In a 1966 song by Buffalo Springfield titled “For What It’s Worth”, writer Stephen stills notices:

“There's something happening here, What it is ain't exactly clear.”

Arizona residents might wonder how, in 2011, Arizona State Senate President and author of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, Russell Pearce, was decisively defeated in a recall election by an unknown named Jerry Lewis?  And how is it that Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Flake might actually lose to their Democratic rivals in Arizona - a Republican state? Is there something happening here?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gallup Shocker: Romney Leads by 7%

News Analysis, Ezra Klein, The Washington Post

Evan Vucci / Associated Press
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney talks with foreign policy adviser Dan Senor (left) and vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan in Daytona Beach, Fla., on Saturday.

 October 20, 2012, 6:05 p.m.
Gallup poll hints at popular vote win for Romney

News Analysis, Ezra Klein, The Washington Post

According to Real Clear Politics, Mitt Romney is, on average, up by one point in the polls. According to both Nate Silver and InTrade, President Barack Obama has a better-than-60-percent chance of winning the election. I think it's fair to say that the election is, for the moment, close.

But not according to Gallup. Its seven-day

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Obama Binders: Searching for Muslims to fill top cabinet positions

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden
pose with the full  Cabinet for an official group photo in the
Grand Foyer of the White House, July 26, 2012.
(Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)
With the president mocking Romney's use of the word 'binders' to describe a list of qualified women to serve in his Massachusetts administration, I found the following article to be quite interesting. It seems that Obama had some binders of his own. But it wasn't women that he was looking for - it was Muslims.

Here's the article in it's entirety: 

March 29, 2009 By Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, TRIBUNE REPORTER and Tribune correspondent Mike Dorning contributed to this report from Washington.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Benghazi, Fort Hood, no terrorist attacks here. Just move along folks.

Photo by: LM Otero
The U.S. flag flies at half staff in front of the Army's III Corps
 headquarters at Fort Hood, Texas, on Friday, Nov. 6, 2009. 
(AP Photo/LM Otero)

By Susan Crabtree-The Washington Times Thursday, October 18, 2012

The U.S. flag flies at half staff in front of the Army’s

Benghazi isn’t the first time the Obama administration has struggled with whether to call an attack on a U.S. post a terrorist attack. Nearly three years after the fact, the Defense Department still calls the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, an act of workplace violence, despite the suspect’s ties to al Qaeda.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama: A President Without Courage

by John D. Karam
Random Ammo contributor

At approximately 1 hour and 2 minutes into the second Presidential debate of October 16, 2012, President Obama characterized Governor Romney as being harsh on illegal immigrants.  While the Governor had a response, it was a little weak.  

Here's what he should have said:

Monday, October 15, 2012

ABC Censors Obama Communist Joke on Last Man Standing

By Todd Starnese 

The ABC television network has removed jokes about President Obama and former President Clinton from an upcoming episode of “Last Man Standing,” according to the show’s star – Tim Allen.

Allen told The New York Post that the Disney-owned network yanked a number of political jokes from an episode that is scheduled to air just before the presidential election.

Allen’s character, a conservative, is trying to persuade his daughter to vote for Mitt Romney.

The ABC standards department ordered the show to remove one joke that had Allen’s character called Obama “a communist.”

TV Guide backed up that claim in a story written by Michael Schneider and reported by
“Allen fought to keep

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What is Your Level Of Awareness?

By Mike Adams of Natural News
a snippet from his article: Everything Is Rigged

These are levels of awareness / awakening.  I describe them like this:

 Level 0 – “Zombie” This is the default level of total ignorance at which 90% of the population operates. They have no clue about anything that matters such as how fiat currency systems operate, natural cures for cancer, the true dangers of vaccines, how television manipulates their behavior and so on. (These people are often experts in sports and TV sitcoms, however.)

 Level 1 – “Awakened” This level is achieved when a person realizes