Thursday, February 28, 2013

Marine T-shirt Too Offensive For School

Now they want to ban even a picture of a gun on a T-shirt. This article from  Gateway Pundit  shows how absurd the situation is getting,  What's interesting is seeing how the first and second amendments are so closely intertwined now. Jim Hoft posts that a middle schooler at Genoa-Kingston Middle School in Illinois was told to remove his US Marines T-shirt at school. The boy was told it was against the school code.
USOFarn reported:

Today a Genoa-Kingston Middle School student’s parent is claiming that a teacher ordered his son to cover his US Marine themed t-shirt or be suspended. Dan McIntyre says that his son Michael has wore the shirt to school many times in the past and that he is a big fan of the branch of the US military.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Democrats Rush to Ban Guns in Illinois

And now this just in as reported in the Washington Times and the Chicago Sun. Advancements toward gun control by democrats is occurring in several states. A federal appeals court may have ordered Illinois politicos to pass a concealed-carry gun law by June, but that hasn't stopped Democrats from passing as many accompanying laws as possible that, in effect, moot the federal order.
Before the order, Illinois was the only state in the nation that didn't have some sort of law recognizing the right to conceal and carry guns.

On Tuesday, the Democratic majority in the state House passed a bill to ban guns in schools and casinos and

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Harvard Study:Fluoridated Water Lowers IQ in Children

It looks like the folks that have been warning us about the dangers of drinking fluoridated water for years weren't so crazy after all. The fluoridated water controversy probably won't end, but if you would like to know more about it, visit the Fluoride Action Network. The government has too much money invested in fluoridation to quit. Now, researchers at Harvard University recently published the results of a long-term analysis that links fluoridated water to lower IQ scores in children.

The alarming findings were released in Environmental Health Perspectives, a publication of the National Institutes of Health.
Professor Philippe Grandjean and research scientist Anna L. Choi of Harvard University partnered with medical researchers Guifan Sun and Ying Zhang of China Medical University to conduct the study, which was performed using internal university funds.

Monday, February 18, 2013

House-to-house Gun Searches in Washington Called 'Misstep'

Danny Westneat

Some people never seem to worry that the government will go too far. Frankly, many people that I talk to don't understand that our government is suppose to have limits to their authority. What a concept - limited government!  But who can blame them . Legislators routinely pass laws that disregard those limits. And once in a while, they discover that somebody is watching. In the article that follows, reporter Danny Westneat of the Seattle Times was watching. He discovered that law makers in Olympia, Washington planned to allow house-to-house searches for guns. But, oh. It was a mistake.

Friday, February 15, 2013

High School Offers Tutoring But Only For Students 'Of Color'

This amazing story was uncovered by a local TV station in Denver Colorado. The principal of Mission Viejo High School sent a letter home to parents announcing after school tutoring classes for students needing help with their studies. But the letter specifically states that the classes are only for students of color. Blacks and Hispanics. White kids need not apply. Now I realize that whites are rapidly becoming the minority in this country but this principal is rushing the bigotry just a bit. Is this the kind of treatment that white folks can expect once the Mexicans and the Blacks take over the United States? Watch this video from KCNC , Denver and let me know what you think about it. Comments are open.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gun Confiscation Legislation Begins

Why deny it? They are coming after our guns!

We have watched as many things happen that we thought would never happen since Obama took office. The idea that gun confiscation could occur in a country where owning a fire arm is written into the Constitution is unfathomable. Yet confiscate our guns they will - if we allow them to. This article from InfoWars illustrates how the march for our guns has begun.

Democrats Rory Ellinger and Jill Schupp have introduced House Bill 545, a law that with the stroke of a pen will turn thousands of law-abiding Missourians into class C felons. It will ban the possession, sale, transfer or manufacture of semi-automatic rifles and magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds.

The law is in effect de facto confiscation demanding the “surrender” of firearms to the government.

Arizona Senate Opens With A Call to Islam

Last week, a representative of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) gave a prayer before the Arizona State Senate.

No news media picked it up. No one reported on it. It was a commonplace thing. CAIR, after all, is a “civil rights” organization; why should anyone be concerned if a CAIR leader prays in a U.S. government body? CAIR has been linked by the Justice Department to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, but no one seems to mind. What could go wrong?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fundamentally Transforming Greece Into An Economic Ruin

This excerpt from a recent article in the New York Times reminds us  that Greece is still there - but the economic situation is still rapidly deteriorating. Just when you would think that it can't get any worse - it does.  By many indicators, Greece is devolving into something unprecedented in modern Western experience. A quarter of all Greek companies have gone out of business since 2009, and half of all small businesses in the country say they are unable to meet payroll. The suicide rate increased by 40 percent in the first half of 2011. A barter economy has sprung up, as people try to work around a broken financial system. Nearly half the population under

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Obamacare to enforce National HOA in the interest of national health

Does your kitchen need cleaning? Is your house dirty and is it unsafe to live in? If you have mold or a leaky roof, the Obama administration wants it cleaned up. More regulation, enforcement and government inspections will ensure that we all live in government approved, healthy homes.What a wonderful world it will be! Federal inspections for everybody!It's a national HOA - coming to a neighborhood near you. In the following article from CNS news, the latest plans for federal government control over your life is exposed. I guess it's not

Monday, February 4, 2013

Migrating A New America

There is no easy answer to America's illegal immigrant problem. The extreme views on both sides envision solutions that are simply impractical. However, as Alan Caruba explains in the following article, impractical or not, the result of illegal immigration is inevitable. There is a mass migration that has been underway for decades and it will change far more than the skin complexion of America. History teaches us that the very essence of a culture is profoundly affected by migration. Illegal or not - a new America is unfolding ...