Monday, December 24, 2012

The Grinches Who Stole Christmas

            You know who they are.  You've seen them marching in your streets, holding candle-light vigils, and appearing on television and radio news programs.  They are the "D.R.E.A.M." children - the children of the illegal immigrants who, "through no fault of their own", have been allowed to enjoy the fruits of the American dream that should have gone to someone else.

            They want you to think that they, and their parents, should be allowed to stay in the United States because, they've become "Americanized" and it would be "inhumane" to repatriate them to their nation of origin.  What they DON'T want you to think about are the children of the lawful immigrants who have not yet had a chance to come to America simply because their parents are trying to do it the right way.

            All around the world, children of lawful immigrants are waiting faithfully to enter the United States of America in compliance with her laws.  They are hoping to emigrate from countries like Somalia, Haiti, Vietnam, Estonia, Bosnia, Lebanon, Russia, China, France, Bulgaria, Italy, and just about anywhere on the planet from which immigrants have traditionally come to contribute to America's vast human diversity.   These children have not yet had the chance to receive an American education, enjoy an American sporting event, or celebrate an American Christmas - all benefits granted on a regular basis to the so called "D.R.E.A.M." children who have been allowed to step in front of everyone else.

            You might think that the "innocent" compassion-seeking D.R.E.A.M. children would themselves show some sympathy during this holiday season for the children of the lawful immigrants-in-waiting that they have displaced.  But that will not be the case.  Instead, during the Christmas holidays, they have chosen to cast aspersions.  Recently they made headlines, calling Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer a "grinch" because she is one of many who have finally said "enough" to them.  Through her actions, Governor Brewer has told the illegals that they shall go no farther.  She has said that in the State of Arizona, illegal immigrants, and the children whom they hide behind, shall obey the same rules that immigrants from all around the world are expected to obey.

            If you see the story from the perspective of the law-abiding-immigrants-in-waiting, then it is Arizona Governor Jan Brewer who is Santa Claus, and the DREAM children who are the grinches who stole "Christmas-in-America" from the children of the lawful immigrants.

            This Christmas, may God bless Governor Jan Brewer. While others are trying to drown them out, she hears the voices of the silent victims of illegal immigration.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How France's 'Rich Tax' is Working Out

By William Sullivan
for American Thinker

The French government is wringing its hands in frustration about how to deal with wealthy French nationals who are expatriating to avoid France's crushing new tax hikes.

World-renowned actor Gérard Depardieu, for example, has recently decided to take up residence just across the Belgian border to avoid the tax penalty he would incur by remaining in France.  This is merely an allegation at this point, of course, but it seems a safe guess that Depardieu has noticed French politicians' distaste for the wealthy -- which is not a feat of consciousness, considering that the new socialist president François Hollande has famously quipped, "I don't like the rich" while campaigning on promises to "tax annual income of more than one million euros per year at 75 percent."

Friday, December 7, 2012

Marines expanding use of meditation training

Marines are coached in Mind Fitness Training. A study of Marines
 who had taken the course found that they scored higher on
 emotional and cognitive evaluations than those who did not.
Elizabeth Stanley)
By Patrick Hruby - The Washington Times., Wed December 5th 2012

While preparing for overseas deployment with the U.S. Marines late last year, Staff Sgt. Nathan Hampton participated in a series of training exercises held at Camp Pendleton, Calif., designed to make him a more effective serviceman.

There were weapons qualifications. Grueling physical workouts. High-stress squad counterinsurgency drills, held in an elaborate ersatz village designed to

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Amnesty Road Would Ruin The GOP

by Jeffery T. Kuhner of The Washington Times

Republicans are on the verge of committing suicide. In the wake of President Obama’s re-election, many conservatives are demanding the GOP embrace amnesty for illegal aliens. The official term is “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Sean Hannity has now “evolved” on the issue. Others, such as Dick Morris and Charles Krauthammer, are ringing the alarm bells: Get in front on amnesty before the GOP is swamped by the surging Latino vote. House Speaker John A. Boehner said last week that comprehensive immigration reform is “long overdue.” Translation: Beltway Republicans are ready to wave the

Dumb Ways To Die

This is actually a public service advertisement to warn people about the dangers of being around trains. From the web site: "Most people are able to recognize for themselves that trains are big, fast and not to be messed with. But sadly, a few people just don't get it. And that's why we're running this campaign. To stop them from that brain fade, from doing something dumb and being hit by a train."  Apparently it's a pretty big problem in

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Sultan and the Crazy Water

An Eastern Tale often retold by the Theologian and Iconographer Photis Kontoglu


Once upon a time there was a Sultan who was good and just. The Sultan had a Vizier (chief adviser)  who was equally good and just. The Vizier also happened to be an astrologer. One day the Vizier told the Sultan that he had seen a sign in the heavens. It was going to rain "fools water", and whosoever drinks of the water will become foolish.

All the people in the land will drink of the fools water and they will become crazy. They will lose their ability to properly reason. They will no longer have a good sense of anything. They will not be able to tell right from wrong, or truth from falsehood, or justice from injustice.

When the Sultan heard this he turned to the Vizier and said, "Since everybody will lose their minds, we must take care not to lose ours, for otherwise how will we

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Obama Supporters Against His Policies - But Vote for Him Anyway!

There are many reasons that Romney didn't win the election in 2012. An important one is an uninformed electorate. We've come to expect that because the US presidential elections have pretty much been a popularity contest for the past thirty years or so.What is unusual about many Obama followers is that they would vote for him, even if they discovered that he was a scoundrel and held views exactly contrary to their own. What's worse, they would vote for him even if they understood that Obama was signing legislation that was unconstitutional and limiting to their own personal liberty. If you think that sounds scary, watch this video.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Obama Calls For Hamas to Stop Shelling of Israel

That sounds encouraging, doesn't it? Too bad it's not true. And you won't hear that kind of talk from Obama. He won't come right out and stand up for our only true ally in the middle east. Is there any doubt as to who shot first? Hamas has been sending rockets into Israel almost daily for some time. Recently their efforts have intensified and the targets have been more accurate. Israelis have been killed. Chances are you didn't realize that. What we did hear about is that Israel has killed Hamas leaders and innocent civilians. And that they are using jet fighters against Palestinian targets.

As I post this - the fighting is intensifying. Israel is crediting the 'Iron Dome' for

Friday, November 16, 2012

General Obama on Newsweek;GOP: If you're Old, or White - You're History!

Newsweek will soon be eliminating its print publication, announcing that it will be going all digital. That means that you won't be seeing the outlandish covers while standing in the checkout line at your local supermarket. So catch this one while you can.

They're going out with a bang - and a big bang - with this week's cover release. Obama is depicted as Napoleon Bonaparte - dressed in the glorious, classic uniform and pose that we've come to associate with the victorious general. The headline reads, "The Obama Conquest".  Implying victory after the battle. Apparently a battle that was won with the 2012 election. Now the question still remains: Will he win the war?

Will this cover add to racial unrest in America? Array Of Emotions

Friday, November 9, 2012

Will Hispanics rescue the U.S. economy?

Here's an article that just begs for a comment or a response article from Random Ammo contributor, John D. Karam

SANTA FE, NM (By Charles Garcia, CNN) January 28, 2012 ― For the last 20 years, what name is always in the top 100 most popular baby names given to boys in the United States? Jesus (pronounced hey-seus). And among 4,500 boys names in England in 2009, what was the No. 1 most popular baby name? Mohammed. In Brussels? Mohammed. Oslo? Mohammed. Amsterdam? Mohammed. And what do babies and their names have to do with the global economy? Everything.

The currency of the future is babies, because babies grow up to be taxpaying workers. Let's do Demography 101, which is basically the study of baby-making. Demographers have a fancy term called "total fertility rate," which measures the average number of babies a woman has over her childbearing years.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote To Save The Nation

By Alan Caruba
No previous election has ever held the fate of the nation in its hands since the reelection of Abraham Lincoln in the midst of the Civil War. If Obama is elected, he will continue his agenda to drive this nation to the point of financial collapse and leave behind millions of Americans without jobs or any hope for the future.

And that includes the liberal retards who will vote for him in an election that is, according to the pundits, too close to call. There is something terribly frightening to contemplate that half the voters will vote to continue his planned destruction and his potential for declaring himself President for Life. He is the classic tyrant.

Worst Election Media Bias - Since Last Election Medias Bias

The worst media election since the last one

No matter which candidate wins Tuesday, it’s clear the media didn’t just cover this election, they shaped it. To paraphrase Dickens, it was the best of coverage and the worst of coverage.
If you were President Obama, you got the best of coverage and photos of you with halos around your head. Your made-up autobiography and “composite” girlfriend were a blip in the news, your radical positions downplayed and the ongoing failures of your administration – economy, fast and furious, foreign policy in general – were all given short shrift in the major media.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Night Poll: Obama in lead as Romney's bounce evaporates

By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times

Enthusiasm is a strong point for Republican presidential nominee Mitt
 Romney, who rallied supporters last week in Virginia, a state that 
could very well determine the election outcome. 
(Barbara L. Salisbury/The Washington Times)
 BEACH, Fla. — Mitt Romney’s first debate bounce has evaporated and President Obama once again has taken a slim lead in The Washington Times/Zogby Poll released Sunday night — though the survey showed Mr. Romney’s backers are far more energized about him than the president’s backers are about their candidate.

Mr. Obama leads 49.7 percent to 47.3 percent over Mr. Romney, the Republican nominee, with 3 percent undecided.

There's Something Happening Here

By John D. Karam
for Random Ammo

In a 1966 song by Buffalo Springfield titled “For What It’s Worth”, writer Stephen stills notices:

“There's something happening here, What it is ain't exactly clear.”

Arizona residents might wonder how, in 2011, Arizona State Senate President and author of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, Russell Pearce, was decisively defeated in a recall election by an unknown named Jerry Lewis?  And how is it that Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Flake might actually lose to their Democratic rivals in Arizona - a Republican state? Is there something happening here?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gallup Shocker: Romney Leads by 7%

News Analysis, Ezra Klein, The Washington Post

Evan Vucci / Associated Press
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney talks with foreign policy adviser Dan Senor (left) and vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan in Daytona Beach, Fla., on Saturday.

 October 20, 2012, 6:05 p.m.
Gallup poll hints at popular vote win for Romney

News Analysis, Ezra Klein, The Washington Post

According to Real Clear Politics, Mitt Romney is, on average, up by one point in the polls. According to both Nate Silver and InTrade, President Barack Obama has a better-than-60-percent chance of winning the election. I think it's fair to say that the election is, for the moment, close.

But not according to Gallup. Its seven-day

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Obama Binders: Searching for Muslims to fill top cabinet positions

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden
pose with the full  Cabinet for an official group photo in the
Grand Foyer of the White House, July 26, 2012.
(Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)
With the president mocking Romney's use of the word 'binders' to describe a list of qualified women to serve in his Massachusetts administration, I found the following article to be quite interesting. It seems that Obama had some binders of his own. But it wasn't women that he was looking for - it was Muslims.

Here's the article in it's entirety: 

March 29, 2009 By Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, TRIBUNE REPORTER and Tribune correspondent Mike Dorning contributed to this report from Washington.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Benghazi, Fort Hood, no terrorist attacks here. Just move along folks.

Photo by: LM Otero
The U.S. flag flies at half staff in front of the Army's III Corps
 headquarters at Fort Hood, Texas, on Friday, Nov. 6, 2009. 
(AP Photo/LM Otero)

By Susan Crabtree-The Washington Times Thursday, October 18, 2012

The U.S. flag flies at half staff in front of the Army’s

Benghazi isn’t the first time the Obama administration has struggled with whether to call an attack on a U.S. post a terrorist attack. Nearly three years after the fact, the Defense Department still calls the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, an act of workplace violence, despite the suspect’s ties to al Qaeda.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama: A President Without Courage

by John D. Karam
Random Ammo contributor

At approximately 1 hour and 2 minutes into the second Presidential debate of October 16, 2012, President Obama characterized Governor Romney as being harsh on illegal immigrants.  While the Governor had a response, it was a little weak.  

Here's what he should have said:

Monday, October 15, 2012

ABC Censors Obama Communist Joke on Last Man Standing

By Todd Starnese 

The ABC television network has removed jokes about President Obama and former President Clinton from an upcoming episode of “Last Man Standing,” according to the show’s star – Tim Allen.

Allen told The New York Post that the Disney-owned network yanked a number of political jokes from an episode that is scheduled to air just before the presidential election.

Allen’s character, a conservative, is trying to persuade his daughter to vote for Mitt Romney.

The ABC standards department ordered the show to remove one joke that had Allen’s character called Obama “a communist.”

TV Guide backed up that claim in a story written by Michael Schneider and reported by
“Allen fought to keep

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What is Your Level Of Awareness?

By Mike Adams of Natural News
a snippet from his article: Everything Is Rigged

These are levels of awareness / awakening.  I describe them like this:

 Level 0 – “Zombie” This is the default level of total ignorance at which 90% of the population operates. They have no clue about anything that matters such as how fiat currency systems operate, natural cures for cancer, the true dangers of vaccines, how television manipulates their behavior and so on. (These people are often experts in sports and TV sitcoms, however.)

 Level 1 – “Awakened” This level is achieved when a person realizes

Sunday, September 30, 2012

California bans gay-to-straight therapy

Legislation prohibiting a form of therapy aimed at changing a minor's sexual orientation from gay to straight — the first law of its kind in the nation — was signed by California's governor

                                                  Rich Pedroncelli (AP)
State Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance urged lawmakers
to approve his bill to ban a controversial form of 
psychotherapy aimed at making gay people straight
during a hearing at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., 
Tuesday, May 8
By Patrick Mcgreevy
Los Angeles Times 

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation prohibiting a form of therapy aimed at changing a minor's sexual orientation from gay to straight, the first law of its kind in the nation, officials said Sunday.

State Sen. Ted Lieu introduced the measure based on his belief that so-called conversion therapy is nonscientific and dangerous because in some cases patients have later committed suicide or suffered severe mental and physical anguish.

"No one should stand idly by while children are being psychological(ly) abused, and anyone who forces a child to try to change their sexual orientation must understand this is unacceptable," said Lieu, a Democrat. "Gov. Brown should be commended for protecting LGBT youth by ending this type of quackery."

Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said the bill was

Friday, September 28, 2012 And Why Romney Will Win

A Word Or Two About Q-Star News, And Why Romney Will Win


Editors note: About half of this post is recycled content from a recent comment of mine, so if you think you have seen it before, you probably have – but it also has two important aspects – it fits and I am lazy…so there you go. This one is like the Soylent Green of posts.

First of all, I don’t think Q-Star is a pollster – they take the polls that are conducted by others and re-weight them to reflect something that is closer to reality. Most of the polls are using a sampling that reflects the 2008 election even though the 2010 mid-terms did show a dramatic shift in party

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chapter X: Obama Brings Chicago Politics to Washington

Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus program included $499 billion in 
federal spending, most of which was channeled through state and local 
governments. Eight of the 10 states getting the most contracts were heavily
Democratic, with highly unionized state and local government work forces, 
according to stimulus award data at

Chapter X: Obama Brings Chicago Style Politics to Washington
From the Washington Examiner

Chicago has been called the home of "gangster government." How bad is it?

Consider the following facts about the city from which President Obama rose through the ranks of American public life, from community organizer and local lawyer to the Illinois state legislature to the U.S. Senate and finally the Oval Office:

Chapter VIII: Obama's State Pension Scheme

William Atwood, executive director of the
 giant Illinois State Board of Investment, 
told The Washington Examiner that 
Obama was relentless in applying pressure. 
"Anytime I saw him, he brought the issue up. 
I would see him in Springfield or I would
see him at a function and invariably he
raised the issue."

Chapter VIII: Obama's State Pension Scheme 
From the Washington Examiner

State Sen. Barack Obama and members of an Illinois lobbying group representing politically connected minority-owned businesses launched a campaign in 2000 to pressure state pension funds to help their friends and donors.

Obama and his cohorts targeted state officials in charge of pension funds for teachers, police and firemen, and regular government employees.

Much as the Rev. Jesse Jackson had been doing for years to Fortune 500 corporations, Obama and the Alliance of Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs, or ABLE, demanded that the officials set aside at least 15 percent of pension assets for management by minority-owned investment companies.

Chapter VII: The Myth of Obama as State Senate Reformer

Former Illinois state Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, 
a maverick Republican and reformer, said
Obama never fought corruption, by
Republicans or by Democrats: "He never
wanted to upset the apple cart with the 
Chicago machine."

Chapter VII: The Myth of Obama as State Senate Reformer
From the Washington Examiner

Shortly after Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, Prairie State Blue, a liberal blog, attributed his victory to the fact that Illinois' deeply entrenched government corruption had forced "political reformers" in the state legislature like Obama "to network outside the traditional political circles."

The claim illustrated Obama's success throughout his career at presenting himself as an outsider and reformer even as he became a skillful operator inside one of the nation's most corrupt political systems.

Earlier this year, a study by the Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs pointed to the convictions in recent years of four governors, two congressmen, a state treasurer, an attorney general and 11 state legislators.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Chapter VI: The Poor People Obama Left Behind

A man moves furniture at the Altgeld Gardens
 housing project Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008, on 
Chicago's South Side. where Democratic 
presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., 
used to work as a community organizer. 
(AP Photo)
Chapter VI: The Poor People Obama Left Behind
From the Washington Examiner

Four years after Barack Obama's historic election as president, little seems to have changed for the African-American communities on Chicago's South Side.

The lack of change -- or the sense that these neighborhoods are getting worse -- is eroding the president's standing among African-Americans in his hometown.

In 2011, Chicago suffered the third-highest black jobless

Chapter V: Obama's Toughest Critics on the Left

Obama’s toughest critic on the Left, the late
Robert Fitch, charged that Obama’s most 
trusted aide, Valerie Jarrett, made a fortune
as a real estate developer. Fitch, a radical 
leftist and freelance journalist who 
specialized in urban politics and economics,
said Obama surrounded himself with people
 who got rich on Chicago’s $1.6 billion 
neighborhood demolition program known 
officially as the Plan for Transformation.

Chapter V: Obama's Toughest Critics on the Left 
From the Washington Examiner

Barack Obama's carefully constructed image as a civil rights lawyer who wanted to heal the black community was greeted with skepticism by some Chicago activists.

"I never drank the Kool-Aid about Barack Obama," veteran Chicago black activist Eddie Read told The Washington Examiner. Read is president of the Black Independent Political Organization, one of Chicago's largest black community groups.

Read -- who describes himself as a "black nationalist" -- said Chicago streets are filled with genuine "street gangsters" and phonies known as "studio gangsters." The latter are impersonators who make money acting in studio-produced rap videos.

The same dichotomy is found among Chicago's street activists, Read said. "So what you get from me is I'm still up in the air on whether or not my brother Obama was a real

Chapter IV: For the Slumlord's Defense, Barack Obama, Esq.

via Getty Images and ap A security company
owned by now-jailed political fundraiser 
Tony Rezko sought help from Obama
and then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich in an effort
to gain a lucrative contract in Iraq, 
according to a report published in 2007.

Chapter IV: For the Slumlord's Defense, Barack Obama, Esq.
From the Washington Examiner

Writing in his 1995 autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," Obama said he became "a civil rights lawyer" because "to lend meaning to a community's suffering and take part in its healing -- that required something more."

There was indeed "something more" to Obama's legal career, but it wasn't civil rights litigation at the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, where he was employed for a decade.

"He spent about half his time working with Bill Miceli and my former partner, Allison Davis, and that team," senior partner Judson Miner told The Washington Examiner. Most of the entries on Obama's client list for the firm from that period were in real estate, construction and finance.

Miceli and Davis were the partners in charge of the firm's housing and real estate practices. Davis would later leave

Chapter III: The 1997 Speech That Launched Obama

Like so many in the liberal powerbase 
that served as a springboard for Obama, 
Marilyn Katz’s activist roots stretch back to
her days as a Students for a Democratic
Society operative. Today, Katz is an
influential political operative in Chicago
who has visited the White House
26 times since 2009.

CHAPTER III: The 1997 Speech That Launched Obama
From the Washington Examiner

Few doubt that Barack Obama's stirring oration before the 2004 Democratic National Convention vaulted him into the national limelight.

But another, less-heralded Obama address -- delivered on Valentine's Day 1997 at First Chicago Bank -- was equally essential to his later successes. Without it, it is doubtful that he would have ever been in position to assume so prominent a role in 2004.

Obama was a newly elected Illinois state senator in 1997 when he addressed an audience that included many of Chicago's most powerful political insiders and activists, nonprofit executives, business movers and shakers, and philanthropic funders.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chapter II: The myth of the rock star professor

CHAPTER II: The Myth of the Rock Star Professor

Obama with his grandparents, Stanley and 
Madelyn Dunham, on a park bench in New 
York City, when Obama was a student at 
Columbia University. (Associated Press)
Time magazine gushed in 2008 about Barack Obama's 12-year tenure as a law lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, saying, "Within a few years, he had become a rock-star professor with hordes of devoted students."
That may have been true during his first two years, when he ranked first among the law school's 40 instructors, with students giving him a rating of 9.7 out of a possible 10.

But law student evaluations made available to The Washington Examiner by the university showed that his popularity then fell steadily.

CHAPTER I: Obama's Childhood of Privilege, Not Hardship

CHAPTER I: A Childhood of Privilege, Not Hardship
From the Washington Examiner

Obama and his bride Michelle Robinson,
a fellow Harvard Law School graduate, on
their wedding day, Oct. 3, 1992, in Chicago.
(Associated Press)
First lady Michelle Obama told the Democratic National Convention that "Barack and I were both raised by families who didn't have much in the way of money or material possessions."

It is a claim the president has repeated in his books, on the speech-making circuit and in countless media interviews. By his account, he grew up in a broken home with a single mom, struggled for years as a child in an impoverished Third World country and then was raised by his grandparents in difficult circumstances.

The facts aren't nearly so clear-cut.

Introduction: The Obama You Don't Know

President Barack Obama

INTRODUCTION: The Obama We Don't Know
From the Washington Examiner

Few if any of his predecessors took the oath of office with higher public hopes for his success than President Obama on Jan. 20, 2009.

Millions of Americans hailed his election as an end to partisanship, a renewal of the spirit of compromise and a reinvigoration of the nation's highest ideals at home and abroad.

Above all, as America's first black chief executive, Obama symbolized the healing of long-festering wounds that were the terrible national legacy of slavery, the Reconstruction Era and Jim Crow. We would be, finally, one nation.

Chapter IX: The Arab American Network Behind Obama

Ray Hanania, a Chicago-based Arab-American
journalist and activist, described the network 
in a 2007 interview with Chicago magazine as
"a small cluster of activists." Chief among them
was Obama mentor Tony Rezko, above. Stuart
Levine, right, Rezko's former partner and the
government's star witness in the Rezko trial, 
testified that Obama met Nadhmi Auchi at a 
private Rezko reception held at Chicago's
Four Seasons hotel.

Chapter IX: The Arab American Network Behind Obama

President Obama's controversial relationships with radical figures like Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi have been well-publicized in recent years.

Prior to his academic career in the United States, Khalidi worked for Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization when it was classified by the State Department as a terrorist group.

Less well-known is a cluster of Chicago businessmen who formed an Arab-American network at the heart of Obama's political apparatus. Ray Hanania, a Chicago-based Arab-American journalist and activist, described the network in a 2007 interview with Chicago magazine as "a small cluster of activists" in the business

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Drudge Report: Condi Frontrunner for VP

Thu Jul 12 2012 19:30:01 ET


Late Thursday evening, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign launched a new fundraising drive, 'Meet The VP' -- just as Romney himself has narrowed the field of candidates to a handful, sources reveal.

And a surprise name is now near the top of the list: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice!

The timing of the announcement is now set for 'coming weeks'.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

When Will Obama Crack in Public?

When will Obama crack in public?
By Mychal Massie

At a time when many Americans can barely afford Burger King and a movie, Obama boasts of spending a billion dollars on his re-election campaign. Questioned at a recent appearance about the spiraling fuel costs, Obama said, "Get used to it" – and with an insouciant grin and chortle, he told another person at the event, who complained about the effect high fuel prices were having on his family, to "get a more fuel-efficient car." 

The Obamas behave as if they were sharecroppers living in a trailer and hit the Powerball, but instead of getting new tires for their trailer and a new pickup truck, they moved to Washington . And instead of making possum pie, with goats and chickens in the front yard, they're spending and living large at taxpayer expense – opulent vacations, gala balls, resplendent dinners and exclusive command performances at the White House, grand date nights, golf, basketball, more golf, exclusive resorts and still more golf. In the 1950's they called it acting NIGGER RICH.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mathimatical riddle solved by teen

DRESDEN, Germany –  A German 16-year-old has become the first person to solve a mathematical problem posed by Sir Isaac Newton more than 300 years ago.

Shouryya Ray worked out how to calculate exactly the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance, The (London) Sunday Times reported.

The Indian-born teen said he solved the problem that had stumped mathematicians for centuries while working on a school project.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Minorities now surpass whites in US births, census shows

America hit a demographic milestone last year, with new census figures showing for the first time more than half the children born in the U.S. were minorities. That percentage just barely eked over the halfway mark, with minorities making up 50.4 percent of U.S. births in the 12-month period ending July 2011. But it marks a steady trend -- minorities represented

Thursday, March 29, 2012

$540M lottery has states anticipating tax jackpot

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — People queuing up for Mega Millions tickets aren't the only ones salivating over the record $540 million jackpot PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — People queuing up for Mega Millions tickets aren't the only ones salivating over the record $540 million jackpot that could be won Friday — some state governments struggling through lean times know a hometown winner would bring a tax bonanza.
Taxes on a lump-sum payment option to a single winner could mean tens of millions of dollars of badly needed revenue that could go to restore entire social service programs on the chopping block, pay for hundreds of low-income housing units, forestall new taxes or hire more state troopers.

June 28th 2010 - Russian Spy Ring Arrested in U.S.

With Obama recently telling Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, that after he's re-elected he will have more flexibility to cooperate (concerning arms treaties), I was reminded of this 2010 story. Below is a version from CBS that was posted at that time. Notice that the headline of the article combines the warm and friendly notion of "Burger Diplomacy" with "Russian Spy Arrests". Indeed, the arrests of 10 Russian spies isn't mentioned until 57 words into the short article - and then, only after comparing the warm hamburger diplomacy of Obama to the adversarial nature of high level talks during the

Monday, March 26, 2012

Obamacare Creates More Jobs

A woman waits outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Monday. (Carolyn Kaster/AP

WASHINGTON -- Temperatures are expected to dip below freezing overnight Monday, and Charles Medley will spend the whole time outdoors near the base of the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. Why? He's hoping to hold a coveted place near the front of a line for access to the oral arguments over the federal health care law.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

$6-A-Gallon Gas Hits Florida

TAMPA (CBS Tampa) — Talk about pain at the pump! 
Some Florida drivers are spending nearly $6 a gallon to fill up their gas tanks.According to, motorists are shelling out $5.89 for a gallon of regular gas at a Shell station in Lake Buena Vista, topping out at $5.99 a gallon for premium. It doesn’t get better at a Suncoast Energy station in Orlando, where drivers are paying $5.79 for a gallon of regular.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Proposed Surtax On Ammo Sales in Illonois

An Illinois lawmaker wants gun owners to shell out extra taxes in order to finance a new grant program for trauma centers, a move firearms advocacy groups say amounts to a "sin tax" on law-abiding hunters and target shooters.
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, in a bill introduced earlier this month, proposed a 2 percent surtax on ammunition. The proceeds would go toward a "high-crime trauma center grant fund," which would then send the tax money to trauma centers in "high-crime areas."