Monday, May 6, 2013

Will armed revolution be necessary to protect liberty in America?

Talk around the water cooler may be more about the dissatisfaction with and mistrust of the government than about the latest TV shows.
Americans are beginning to think that an armed revolution will be necessary to keep the country free. Since congress doesn't seem to have any interest in protecting individual liberty, Americans are increasingly feeling the squeeze and the tax bite of a government that seems bent on controlling every aspects of our lives.

And now this. Just in from a survey conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson

Sunday, May 5, 2013

False ADHD Epidemic Overdosing Children

by James Davies / The Times of London
Published at 12:01AM, May 6 2013

Is ADHD a disease? The manual used by psychiatrists the world over says so. But what if that manual is wrong? Cracked lifts the lid on just how psychiatrists decide what is a medical condition and what isn’t ... and how inclusion in their DSM manual opens the door for drugs companies to make huge profits from new diseases. In this extract, James Davies shows how they could have made ADHD a false epidemic.