Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fall of the Republic

It is happening before our very eyes. Obama is not interested in helping the poor or the middle class. This film exposes exactly who he is working for. Please watch it and learn for yourself. Citizens of the US must stand up and do what we can to stop the enslaving of the world. Were you born to be the slave of the government? You have seen the looting of our treasury. The US has produced more wealth than any country in history. Not because we are the same as the others - because we were different. But now we are almost back to where we were when we freed ourselves from British rule. When we revolted it was the first time in history that rights were deemed to be given by God - not the government. We now live in a time when that very foundation of our country, the freedom and liberty that made us great, has been dismantled.

Do you have time to get informed? Don't be fooled. Please take a few minutes out of your day and watch this well produced film. While I can't attest to every detail being exactly true, the overall message is right on the money. Did I say money? Oh yes kids - it is, and always has been about the money. They want it, they are getting it, and they want more. Please watch:

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