Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monica Crowley on why we're mad as hell ...

Transcript of Monica Crowley’s talking points memo (from the Factor) …

 Remember when Howard Beal, the fed-up character from the movie Network yelled this, “ I want you to get up right now, and go to the window, open it and stick your head out and yell, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore”?

 That’s how most Americans are feeling these days!

 Why are we mad as hell? Because since the Democrats took the White House and the congress,  each day we have awakened to some new horror.

 We’re mad as hell about a trillion dollars blown on stimulus that did nothing to stimulate the private economy.

 We’re mad as hell about a nearly 10% unemployment rate, almost a trillion and a half annual deficit and a 13 trillion dollar national debt.

 We’re mad as hell about the government take over and destruction of the best healthcare system in the world and it’s 500 billion dollar ten-year price tag.  We’re also mad about the slimy back door dealing and the party line shenanigans they used to ram it through.

 We’re outraged at the Holder justice departments law suit against one of our vary own states, Arizona, for trying to enforce illegal immigration laws.

 We’re furious about Hillary Clinton’s state department sending the ground zero mosque imam  on a tax payer financed junket to the middle east.

 We’re worried about a foreign policy that appeases our enemies, ‘dises’ our friends and is generally an incoherent and dangerous mess.

 We’re angry about monstrous, 2,000 page bills, that nobody has read before inflicting on us.

 We’re incredulous about the cap and trade energy bill which would amount to the largest tax increase in the history of the world.

 We’re ticked-off, that the President rails against special interests but buys off the biggest special interest of all, the unions, with tens of billions of tax payer dollars.

 We’re angry about far-left judges cavalierly dismissing the will of the people.

 We’re mad as hell about an arrogant leadership that refuses to listen to us even as it exponentially expands government in direct violation of what the founding fathers wanted for this country. We do not want American Exceptionalism being turned into ‘unacceptionalisim’.

 And we’re not going to take it anymore!

Today marks the official start of the fall election season. Rasmussen reports has Republicans leading Democrats in a generic ballot contest by a whopping 12 points. Gallup has the GOP lead at an historic 10 points.

Now things could change before November but I think that’s highly unlikely. I don’t know if Republicans will take either (or both) houses of congress but I do know that there will be a major correction.

Like Howard Beal, we’ve had enough. And eight weeks from today, our present leadership will hear our sound and our fury. And that’s the memo.

1 comment:

  1. My thanks to Monica for having the energy and courage to get mad!

    Part of the reason that things are so screwed up today is that people
    think that it is wrong to get mad. They think it is better to "get
    along" or "be tolerant". What they are really saying is that they
    are too lazy and fearful to put up a fight.
