Saturday, March 30, 2013

Save Your Nickels in 7.62 Ammo Cans

This is not an ammo can. It's a nickel box. Turns out that 7.62 ammo cans are perfect for those of us that save rolls of nickels. I get most of my nickels at local indian casinos. And while there might be some ironies in that (look at a nickel), it actually is the easiest place to get them. Banks are becoming increasingly difficult to work with when it comes to getting rolled coins but, so far,most of the casinos have been willing to accommodate my requests. I buy the ammo cans online at It's United Nations Ammo Company (more irony). If you live in Phoenix
you can go to their store and buy the ammo cans one at a time but online they are sold in groups of five cans.

Each box holds just about $180 worth of rolled nickels and the rolls fit perfectly. And as a side note, the cans can easily stack seven high and you can fit several stacks in the corner of a closet - not taking up much space at all.

You might be asking yourself why I'm saving nickels and why I would bother writing about my ammo can piggy banks. First let me say that there are a lot of us that save nickels. So it's not as
unusual as you might think. And it's a smart thing to do - on many levels. If nothing else, it's a fun way to save, what I have come to term, "real money".

Real money is money that actually has a value in and of itself that can be easily recognized as an acceptable medium of exchange. There may be a time that only food and bullets may qualify as real money but I'm thinking more in terms of there being at least a shadow of a former monetary system than a complete collapse of civilization as we know it. In that case neither my nickels or your gold coins are going to do any of us any good.

Here's a link to the article that got me started.

1 comment:

  1. Great last paragraph. "Real money must be easily recognized as an acceptable medium of exchange". I think the gold believers (especially those who advocate holding real gold) don't quite get that. Gold is not easily recognized, and gold bars and gold dust are two forms of gold that won't be acceptable at the check-out counter. Both forms are too cumbersome.
