Friday, June 21, 2013

Jeff Sessions exposes immigration reform bill authors

Jeff Sessions exposes the so-called immigration reform bill that the senate is preparing to ram down our throats as nothing but another monstrous document filled with hidden agendas and written by special interest groups who couldn't care less about the future of our country. Watch this video of senator Jeff Sessions (R, AL) as he tells the American people how this bill is 'crafted' by White House insiders, immigration rights groups and big business. Jeff Sessions is our standing man! Contact your senator and tell them to vote no on this absurd bill that makes for good sound bites - but will do more harm than any good for the country
Recommended: Whatever It Takes

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Senator Sessions. What you couldn't say (because you are a U.S. Senator)is that the United States of America isn't driven by patriotism, love of country, or adherence to the rule of law. It is driven by individual greed which coagulates into special interest groups.
    One of the special interest groups is a racial group - the Hispanics. But you were afraid to make a direct connection to that racial special interest group even though you mentioned, by name, one of the prominent members of that group, Cecilia Munoz, the point person (as you say) for President Obama's immigration plan. You didn't mention anything about the very obvious racial connection to this legislation because of fear. You were afraid that if you did so you would be called a racist. But Ms. Munoz, Senator Rubio, Senator Menendez, and countless other Hispanics aren't afraid to talk race and turn it to their advantage.
    So I say good for them and shame on you. While the descendants of the white seed of humanity (that invented the United States of America) are cowering from defending their own kind, proud Hispanics are standing firmly together to advance themselves in the NAME of their race and they are being rewarded for their courage.
