Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ann Coulter: GOP Immigration Plan Will Destroy America As We Know It

The claim is that they are Americans. But are they
Americans in spirit? A new survey says not so much.
by Ann Coulter
As House Republicans prepare to sell out the country on immigration this week, Phyllis Schlafly has produced a stunning report on how immigration is changing the country. The report is still embargoed, but someone slipped me a copy, and it's too important to wait.

Leave aside the harm cheap labor being dumped on the country does to the millions of unemployed Americans. What does it mean for the Republican Party?

Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the
Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly's report overwhelmingly demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigration policies spells doom for the Republican Party.

As House Republicans prepare to sell out the country on immigration this week, Phyllis Schlafly has produced a stunning report on how immigration is changing the country. The report is still embargoed, but someone slipped me a copy, and it's too important to wait.

Leave aside the harm cheap labor being dumped on the country does to the millions of unemployed Americans. What does it mean for the Republican Party?

Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly's report overwhelmingly demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigration policies spells doom for the Republican Party.Immigrants -- all immigrants -- have always been

Continue >>>>> GOP Crafts Plan To Wreck The Country

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more, Ann - especially your last statement:
    "Sorry, Americans. You lose."

    What is even more bewildering is that while the illegal immigration problem seems to be self correcting (illegal Hispanics returning home) Republicans are snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory by surrendering to the amnesty movement!
