Thursday, April 10, 2014

Who Cares About Lois Lerner?

Who cares about Lois Lerner? I don't. I'm sick and tired of Congress pussyfooting around when all they have to do is give Lerner immunity and get to the bottom of this thing. I really don't care that she had anything to do with the targeting of conservative groups. We already know that she did. What are going g to do? Spank her?

The only thing I care about is if the Obama administration was behind it. If somebody at the
White House sent out a memo or had a conversation that even intimated an order for the targeting.

Yes I'm concerned about bureaucrats that are abusing their positions. But that happens all the time. I see it at the Post Office all the time. And yes I'm concerned about groups not being able to exercise their First Amendment rights. But nothing will ever come of this particular situation unless it brings us to the top. Unless this IRS targeting scandal points to the Obama administration all this rhetoric is worthless as far as I'm concerned.

Lois Lerner probably didn't take it upon herself to do these things. And if she did, and that's where it stops, this isn't a story. Fire her and let's move on (I realize that she retired). But chances are she had the okey-dokey of somebody above her. Since nobody else at the IRS is talking, let's let the lady sing. That's the only way that we can connect the dots, if there are any, between her and the Obama administration. And that's all that I'm concerned about. Lois Lerner is only a means to and end in my opinion.

Frankly, we're running out of time to do that. These so called 'investigations' can drag on forever. By the time these ass-draggin' republicans figure out what they need to do , Obama and his buddies will be long gone. So that makes me wonder if Republicans in on a cover up. Are they simply vying for political positions? Are they going to make a bunch of noise - put on a great show - and leave us with nothing? You have to wonder.

How long can they drag out a  contempt of Congress charge? Meanwhile all the people that are truly responsible for targeting these conservative groups have plenty of time to cover their tracks. Hell, they'll probably be gone by the time Congress gets serious. And once again, we the people will get the short end of the stick. And once again we can see that the only thing that this Congress is good for is keeping their phony baloney jobs.

So who cares about Lois? Let her go. She's small potatoes and we should be looking for the big fish.


1 comment:

  1. Good point from the article here:

    "Lois Lerner probably didn't take it upon herself to do these things. And if she did, and that's where it stops, this isn't a story."

    I agree. You must find out if someone higher is involved. If not, then Lois Lerner is simply one human at one side of the political spectrum who works at the I.R.S. - nothing more.
