Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Police State USA - How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming Reality- by Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl Chumley, Author
In her new book, Police State USA, Cheryl Chumley explains why she believes that in just four or five years, you'll be wondering what happened to the America that you knew. Her straight-forward, street-smart writing documents government abuses in such a way that makes it easy for all education levels to understand. Spiced with sarcasm and a  little droll humor Police State USA is written to be understood, not studied.

Continuing, within ten years, your children won't recognize the America that they grew up with. Then, 25 years from now, America as as we know it - and what it represented - will no longer be recognizable. There will no longer be a  Constitution - except to be remembered by intellectuals as a document that was finally and legally ignored. It will be discarded onto the same trash pile as the Bible was tossed.

Any understanding of God-given rights will be replaced by what
government will allow and what they control. Privacy rights will crumble and Fourth Amendment guarantees that protect us from warrantless searches of home, possessions, and self will disappear.

Most of the aforementioned brave new world is already here. It has come at a surprisingly fast-pace. Many of the ideological changes have occurred in just the past few decades. It's coming like a freight train that you can see just up ahead.

Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality, the well documented book by Cheryl Chumley, explains how America is standing on the cusp of a police state. She explains how we, as a country got to this point. The book details our present condition - including environmental and corporate influences, as well as media spin and outright lies - and how we might overcome and recapture our freedoms. She is hopeful as she believes that we can return to the concept of limited government that made America great and was envisioned by the Founding Fathers. She maintains that it's not too late to reverse the momentum of the police state.

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