Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bill O'reilly Interviews President Obama Before The Super Bowl

Bill O'reilly asked some pretty direct questions of the president during his interview of President Obama just before the Super Bowl. It's interesting to watch Obama's answers and his eye movements. He does stay amazingly cool 'under fire' - I will give him that much. But having said that, it's also obvious that he has a lot of practice dancing on the edge between lies and truth. Is it my imagination or does he squirm just a little?

Below are just a few comments from Fox News readers: (names have been removed to prevent IRS audits : ) At the time that I was reading the article on FOX news there were over 5,000 comments.

Oby wants ALL us to suffer amnesia because he has lied his way to this point and has NEVER explained anything he has done. Until this interview NOT ONE network threw him any question other than: "Gee Mr.
President, how is Michelle doing?" Oby has such a HUGE EGO he cant take any question that asks him to think, or holds him accountable. We all should bow at his feet.

 Some of you people need to move to Colorado so you can stay in your drug induced comma. "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable," Obama said. First :Who?When? Second: He also promised you could keep your plan and we would save $2500.00. On Lying about Benghazi: "They believe it because folks like you are telling them that,"

Obama said...It couldn't be because you left them guys to die while you went home to get ready for a fundraiser and told everyone it was a spontaneous reaction to a video instead of an easily forseen al queada attack on an unprotected embassy? "These kinds of things keep on surfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them," translation: "You are the media! You are supposed to do this to my enemies only. I should not be scrutinized." Maybe we keep bringing it up to not forget how ignorant you ( Obama ) really are.

 How corrupt you are and congress needs to impeach you and all your un American dems. You lie, You are not a true American, and you are killing people with Obamacare. You should just resign and crawl under a rock. you should be tried for crimes against the United States and the people. Remember America. The only way we have a chance to stop this idiot. Is to Flip the senate this year. Because nobody has the balls enough in Washington to start impeachment. And I don't care if he ( Obama ) Is White, Red, Green or Black ! Obama is the worst pres. In the history of the United States. O'Reilly. You are the best. Keep up what you are doing !

To say Obama so far has been a disappointment would be an understatement. The country has not moved forward since he took office. The country has not "Progressed". As far as I'm concerned the country has moved backwards. I really believe that if Obama wasn't the first black President he would have been impeached already. Congress is not going to try to impeach him because it would be such an embarrassment to the United States and such an insult to the intelligence of other black people all over the world if America, having voted in it's first black president in over 250 years, impeached the guy over his incompetence and his extremely unpopular decisions he makes on a day in day out basis.

 It's really a no win situation for us when millions of extremely dumbed- down Liberals and very young and 'inexperienced in life' people vote for a guy who only tells them what they want to hear. He's a great speaker but he could possibly be one of the worst Presidents of all time. I did some work on a book once about victims and what the criminals did and said to them & acted when they were caught and charged with the crimes. IT was Always the victims fault! They reported the crime, they pressed charges, they testified, they told the truth! Sounds just like our POTUS!

 We are all supposed to just let all this happen and not speak up! He has tried to get rid of FOX since day one of his term..Don't you dare tell the truth is his motto! Ironic isn't it, for Obama to tell Bill of Fox news "They believe it because folks like you are telling them that." Well, most of the Americans that voted for you Barry aka Barack, believed in everything you had told them, did they not? Some ignorant fans still believe in what he "tells" them.

The difference sir, is that Fox usually in most cases has facts supporting what they say unlike what you have told all American people, that has been proven to be nothing but lies and blame. We will never again have our votes represented until we get the money out of making laws/policy. Obama and the Democrats have the blind support and slobbering obedience of every major news organization in the country except one. They Control the message, the images, what gets covered and what gets ignored, without question they carry out the bidding of Obama and the Democrats at Reuters, A.P, CNN, NBC, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, the New Your Times, MSNBC, everywhere that is except FOX and Conservative Talk Radio and It drives Obama nuts.

Obamas does not consider the lies, incompetence, failure and the corruption of his Administration as problems; He sees his major problem in that there are people to report on it. Another symptom of his narcissistic personality disorder … I'm really concerned on what's happening to a once great country called America? Is it Obama and his policies which isn't working or the usual politics of opposition parties that are daily criticising the government and unwilling to be carried along, or both?

 The Liberal “Our Father” Our Federal Government, which art in Washington, hallowed be thy name (as long as you lean left). Thy taxes come. Thy will be done so long as we control you. Give us this day the daily income of those who work for a living, Obamacare, forgiving all illegal immigrants, Taliban, Iran, eco- pirates, and drug users, so long as you prosecute all who do not agree for hate crimes. Lead us not into rational thought, but deliver us from logic. For thine is the home of the elite, the unions, radicals, welfare deadbeats, George Soros, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, the thought and food police, advocates of no religion in government but lots of government in religion, socialists, the Wall Street protestors, and liberals everywhere…forever and ever. Amen.

 You must have listened to Obama pray a few times and took good notes. – David, Yahoo poste "I take full responsibility" has no meaning what so ever when Obama (or Hilary or anybodyelse in his administration for that matter) says it. It's like a get-out-of-jail card...

Obama just needs to say it and like magic, he is free of all responsibility without having to take any action at all. Don't Blame Obama for Being a Failure He had been Mentored By Dysfunctional Parents; "Frank Marshall Davis; Bill Ayers; Bernadine Dorn;Rev Wright; and many Other deep Thinkers From The left that never accomplished Much Besides Blaming others and the "System". I think its a Miracle that he only Turned out to Be a Narcissistic ,Lying, Delusional ; Self aggrandizing; Polarizing Divider.

He who Wrote "actually Bill Ayers" it all in Audacity of Hope and Dreams of My Father about the Manufactured Identity we all See now to be Fake. Does this guy take blame for anything. His combative state of the Union says no. O-Lame-O duck He knows he's a president, he just doesn't know for what country.

 It seems Mr. O'Reilly you forgot Obama's and his administration's motto: Nothing here folks; move along. Guess the American people (at least some of us) are not as stupid as he thought.

 Obama has no respect for the American people and thinks we are a bunch of idiots who flock to FOX news like little sheep. I don't watch FOX news and have never watched O'Reilly in my life and I still think he is a complete idiot whose communist philosophies are ruining the fabric of America.

 I love it when liberals tell me the government is the solution to every problem, and then tell me that the fact that our problems have gotten worse since Obama took office is not his fault. I find it amazing the arguably one of the most powerful men in the world attributes so much power to one little TV network. So the problem isn't all of the mistakes the Obama administration makes. The problem is that Fox news reports on these problems?

 Every time Obama or one of his people gets called out on something they screw up, all they say is that it's in the past, let's look forward instead of behind us. I wonder if that would work as a defense in a criminal trial? Obama doesn't seem to understand the gigs up. We know he is a manipulative liar, we would have to be idiots to believe him. The rest of the world leaders feel the same way.

 There's always some excuse or future investigation that goes nowhere. He is the most unaccountable man in the world... "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable, Obama said". Yet another broken promise. I have yet to see ANYONE held accountable in his administration. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems that things get swept under the rug and it is business as usual with little to no accountability or consequences.

Eric "Snake Oil" Holder is a prime example. Fast and Furious, etc., yet still in office. The whole health care fiasco, no one held responsible. Where else can you be responsible for such a disaster but yet not lose your job? ""These kinds of things keep on surfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them," = You keep busting me lying . Obama said "some boneheaded decisions" were to blame = That`s every decision obama makes , so no biggy.. "They believe it because folks like you are telling them that," = and the soldiers that were ACTUALLY THERE are saying it .

 "My main priority right now is making sure that it delivers for the American people," = delivers it right where the sun dont shine . "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable," = just wait , if you dont sign up , we are taking more of your money . "I LIE , I LIE , I LIE,"

 Obama said . Griping about Health Care wont help. Nothing will change that. What needs to happen is for Obama to fire a few more Generals to build up his staff. He wants a left of Center Joint Chief of Staff. He is almost there. He also needs to fire someone at State because General Patraeus spoke the truth about the terrorist attack in Benghazi. It wasn't a mistake but he needed to shut up until after the election was settled. Remember he wasn't aware of what the talking points were at.

 Yes Obama blame Fox, blame us, blame anyone you can. They do have Democrats on their who speak their mind. If they were like every other news organization, they would be liars and kissing your a^^. You just don't get it. Benghazi should have never happened. You probably laughed at the IRS who is still targeting conservatives even ones who are not associated with the TP. The NSA spying on our allies, how many allies do we really have left? HHS should have been fired. Your precious obamascare, you won't even take it, what does that prove. You have lied to all Americans, you have covered up with excuse after excuse. You need to resign and let hobo Joe take over.

 So, the President's position is, "if you (FOX) will stop bringing up the truth over and over it will simply go away"? I guess we should all take a little solace in the idea that he made another promise. "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable."

 How crystal clear it is to realize that Obama is right on target to surgically dismantle all that has made America the historic banner nation of freedom that it has been since inception. My high school teacher often repeated the truth that "America is great because America is good and when she ceases to be good she will cease to be great!" Three years ago a non American citizen asked me with an devilish grin..."why won't America defend what has made America great"?

Obama is the one man harmonizing conspiratorial herald of the undoing of all things that has made great! That is what I believe - what do believe? "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable," Obama said. There is something just so, so wrong with Obama's brain. You'd think he learned a lesson or two when the nation reacted the way it did regarding the exposure of Obama's false health care "guarantees." But he just keeps on lying again and again. Is it narcissism? Is it some sort of mental illness or just that he surrounds himself with people who tell him what he wants to hear? This guy's a total weirdo...

 I think we need to stop focusing so much on the individuals in our Federal Government (and State and Local for that matter) and place our focus on the real problem and that is a government that has ceased to work for The People. They have become an Elitist group (evidenced by the compensation package they have created for themselves) whose answer to everything is more money, whether they get it through taxes or through borrowing on the taxpayer's behalf. There is no longer any fiscal responsibility in the Federal Government and the DOD is out of control. What do we do? I vote non-incumbent and I have so for the past ten years.

When do I give up depending on myself and let them determine what is best for me instead? It's time for a revolution and one along the lines of Martin Luther King, non-violent, but a force none the less. Let's take back our country!

 Obama in 2008 said: he was a job creator who opposed military intervention, voted against the patriot act, and promised to have the most transparent administration ever. he was going to lower everyone's healthcare costs while letting everyone maintain their healthcare insurance. he was going to unite the country, he was going to work with democrats and republicans. he opposed gay marriage legislation. he vowed to close Guantanamo due to constitutional abuses. he wasn't going to increase executive power and try to circumvent the law like bush did by signing executive orders. and he was going to whistle-blowers, fight corruption, and make sure citizen's rights to privacy were respected. He stated that the national debt was irresponsible, his presidency would be transparent and legislation would be available to the people before it was passed. He would focus on jobs and the economy, etc,etc. The truth is not in this guy.

 I think he and his advisers, really believe that Fox news is the only problem they have. They have become so accustomed to saying or doing anything, and having a corrupted media run protective cover. It has done him a real disservice because now he has lost the trust of the majority of Americans. It made him feel invincible and made him arrogant. It did not help him our us, nor does it promote a better culture of integrity. It gave us a corrupt government of the highest order. I hope American's have begun to realize it is time to clean house and downsize this out of control feeding trough called the Federal government.

 No matter what party or persuasion your politics, you have to see this is/was total failure for us all. America has always been about it's people. That is what has made us so strong for 2 plus centuries. We need to return to that thinking. We do not need large egos, celebrated, political stars. We need leaders with common values, humility, integrity, and focus on the freedom and power of individual liberty.

 ""These kinds of things keep on surfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them," = You keep busting me lying . Obama said "some boneheaded decisions" were to blame = That`s every decision obama makes , so no biggy.. "They believe it because folks like you are telling them that," = and the soldiers that were ACTUALLY THERE are saying it . "My main priority right now is making sure that it delivers for the American people," = delivers it right where the sun dont shine . "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable," = just wait , if you dont sign up , we are taking more of your money . "I LIE , I LIE , I LIE,"

 Obama said . "These kinds of things keep on surfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them," The truth hurts, doesn't it Mr. President, and Hillary and all of the others in the administration who are ramrodding their agenda down the American people's/taxpayers throats.

 Obama is so full of it - and very defensive too. If you're smart, you will not drink the kool-aid he and his cronies are passing around. Can't wait for him to be gone from office. "I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable," Obama said. First :Who?When? Second: He also promised you could keep your plan and we would save $2500.00. On Lying about Benghazi: "They believe it because folks like you are telling them that,"

Obama said...It couldn't be because you left them guys to die while you went home to get ready for a fundraiser and told everyone it was a spontaneous reaction to a video instead of an easily forseen al queada attack on an unprotected embassy? "These kinds of things keep on surfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them," translation: "You are the media! You are supposed to do this to my enemies only. I should not be scrutinized." What concerns me is all those who voted for him (twice) just because he is of ethnic decent, who simply can't begrudge the fact that they were mistaken.

There were plenty of us with insight that this was the type of presidency it would be but liberals can't see beyond their own error in judgement. Now, with "immigration reform" and clemency, those with entitlements HAVE to keep Demos in power just to keep them. Many call him devious, misleading, dangerous...but this is what many of us knew would happen. He is doing nothing more than what he promised, and then some. You can't blame him because he truly was an open book. Blame the Obama supporters that were astronomically myopic and ultimately sandbagged. What he really means is that Fox News won't let go of the things that this administration has tried to sweep under the rug.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to me that the Obama chose to not wear a tie. O'reilly did wear a tie and he looked more Presidential!
