Monday, February 17, 2014

Nightmare Nomination: Could Barack Obama Become A Supreme Court Justice?

Chief Justice Obama?
Could President Obama Become Chief Justice Obama?
by George Barron
Many of us can't wait until President Barack Obama is no longer occupying the White House. But could he then continue his steam roller politics as a member of the supreme court? That's what happened to our 27th President,William Howard Taft. He served one term as president and then several years later was confirmed as Chief Justice of The Supreme Court.

During the coming mid-term election we hope to undo
much of the damage that Obama's administration has done to the country by electing republicans to both houses of congress. With a general dislike of Obamacare and several scandals filling our sails we do have a chance of that happening. However, it doesn't necessarily follow that there will be enough momentum for republicans to take the presidency two years later. There have been many times in the history of party divisions that both houses of congress have been of one party and the president was of another. And with the republican party's knack for messing up 'slam-dunk' presidential elections, it's not a stretch to imagine the democrats holding onto the oval office.

If that were to happen is it conceivable that Barack Obama could be nominated to the Supreme court. He does have wonderful 'deliberation' skills and he did write for the Harvard Law Review. And remember that he's a constitutional scholar. The shocker - nightmare nomination would most likely come late in the first term of the new president.

Now you're probably thinking that the chances of getting a two thirds senate vote to confirm Obama would be slim to none. But things could change. Remember Harry Reid's implementation of the nuclear option for confirming lesser appointees. And how many times have you heard, during the last five years, "That could never happen", only to watch as the unbelievable does indeed happen? Rules have never gotten in the way of the democrat's agenda. And the Constitution will not hold them back. What will put the kabash to the insanity will be Obama himself. After his presidency of vacations and speech tours, he won't be looking for a job that he actually has to work at. And for that reason alone, this nightmare will never become a reality.

Scary Footnote: The idea for this story came as I happened to hear a small part of an interview or commentary on bloomberg radio. I can't be sure but I think it was presidential historian Doris Kerns Goodwin discussing the idea of Barack Obama becoming a supreme court justice as one of several alternatives that might be open to him after serving as president. If nothing else, the very idea illustrates the inflated, god-like opinion that Obama's followers have of him.

George Barron

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