Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rise Of The Slacker Class In America

Idea Of  Slacker Class Is Catching On

Learning that work is part of life is a lesson that many of us have to be taught. It didn't come instinctively to me. When I was about nine years old I complained to my step-dad that I didn't understand why we had to spend so much time cleaning up the yard.

 As I sat on the back porch step, hanging my slacker head and acting all exhausted, he looked down at me and said, "George, it's called work. You better get use to it because you'll be doing it for the rest of your life." Hmmm, I thought. I can't see how I'm ever going to get use to this.

 But eventually I did get use to working. I didn't always like it but
it became apparent that the harder and smarter that I worked, the better my life could be. My step-dad didn't have to tell me that. That's one of those things that you just get when you grow up in America. But that's changing.

The Obama administration has been slyly re-making America into a nation slackers. Getting better has been replaced with getting by. Extending long-term unemployment and disability benefits, encouraging more food stamp participation and subsidizing healthcare insurance all contribute to an ever increasing percentage of Americans that are settling for the slacker lifestyle. And recently the Obama administration has announced that it's a good thing for our society. I can't help but wonder if the advice that I got from my step-dad will be valid in the new America that Obama is creating.

 On American Thinker.com, Ed Lasky explains: President Obama has broken many promises. One that he hasn't broken is his boast that he would >>> Continue

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